EAG- 3, the economic mobile device for grinding tungstenelectrodes to be used on construction sites and in the workshop as well.
A clean ground section of the tungsten electrode not only increases the service life; the weld quality is substantially improved.
Sensible use both manual welding and the welding machine.
Both manual welding as well as in the use of welding machines - such as orbital welding or robots - made possible an accurate grinding of tungsten electrodes for precise angle repeatability of the welding results.
The pin for holding the tungsten electrode for all electrodes diameter of 1.0 - 4.0 mm is adapted. Even short electrodes 15 mm in length can be ground. The locating pin is inserted into the guide until the electrode abuts the grinding wheel and is then slowly rotated by hand.
There is no complicated setting or tracking necessary. Guide grooves ensure absolutely centric and uniform sanding of the electrode tip. Sleek brushed lengthwise of electrode - provides optimum current flo
w and tool life. Large security because no direct hand contact with the electrode and further hand distance to Grindingwheel.
To change from different electrode diameters or different grinding angeles no adjustment or modification of tools is necessary. Meaningful and economic use as required by the practice: The angle setting can be selected without lockable or clamping device.
Exact positioning and repeatability of the grinding angle by screening division. Rugged diamond wheel with a long service life. The device is immediately usable anywhere - so there can be sanded, which is welded.
Power supply 230 volts ~. Other voltages on request. Suction device as an option.